Best Microscopes for Students in 2021

Suppose you want to become a biologist, zoologist, or scientist. In that case, you will need to use a microscope during your career and studies. 

Knowing the best microscopes for students will help you pick the one most suited for your studies. 

Choosing a microscope can be daunting, especially if nobody is there to guide you to choose the right equipment. Because there are different microscopes in the market, it can be hard to pick which one is the best for students like you.

You don’t want to pick a microscope that doesn’t have the features you need, nor do you want to end up paying more than needed for extra features you won’t use. 

When choosing the best microscopes for your studies, you will want something affordable and useful for you. Here is what you should know about picking the right equipment. 

Which Microscope is the Best for Students

Before you get to know some of the best microscope models for students, learn the features to look for when buying one.


Microscopes for students should be easy to use unless your program requires you to learn how to set up your microscope up to the minute details. Buying an easy-to-use microscope reduces the work you need to do. 


If you need to transfer your microscope from one place to another, consider its portability. 

The size and weight matter. It will help if you buy the one that does not need disassembling. However, if you need to purchase small parts, you need to be extra careful handling them. 


There are two major types of microscopes to choose from, stereo and upright.

Both are great for students, but deciding which is a better choice depends on the size of your specimen and the magnification requirements. 

If you have large specimens that you want to see at low magnification, go for stereo. This type of microscope provides a three-dimensional view of your specimen. 

On the other hand, use an upright microscope to see a small specimen placed in a slide.


When buying a microscope, the environment is also a consideration.

Place your new microscope in a secured area people or pets cannot touch it. 

Also, consider the microscope’s durability. You want it to be durable enough to withstand dropping, bumping, and frequent usage. For students, it is best to buy a microscope with built-in parts to avoid losing or breaking them. 

Best Microscopes for Students

    Optico XSZ-107M Biological Student Microscope

    The Optico XSZ-107M Student Microscope has an all-metal construction with a classic design. It is a compound microscope with high power LED dual-lights to see your sample. It also has glass lenses with 40x to 1000x, which are excellent for students.


    • Low cost
    • LED Illumination
    • Perfect for beginners
    • Easy to use 


    • Single eyetube, may cause eyestrain (headaches) after continuous use.
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