Buying a Secondhand Microscope in Australia

If money is not an issue, opt to buy a brand new microscope, as buying secondhand microscopes in Australia requires you to have an eagle-eye on various factors to ensure it is worth your money. 

Problems of Buying Secondhand Microscopes in Australia

But what if you have a limited budget? Is buying a new microscope still an option? 

If you know where to look, getting your hands on a brand new but affordable microscope is possible and a better option than risking wasting your money on a used microscope that might have the following defects. 

Issues with the objectives 

Some objectives that come with a microscope might not be suitable for the kind of microscopy you want. These objectives can be costly because they require special application. 

Also, the objective lenses could have issues. The most common being that the adhesive that keeps them in place is starting to loosen up. This causes air bubbles to appear, affecting your viewing experience. 

Fungal growth

Fungal growth may also be a problem with secondhand microscopes in Australia if not properly cleaned and cared for, especially if the storage is humid with changing temperature.  

Mechanical defects

Some used microscopes might have mechanical parts missing, while others have parts that are hard to use at all. One example is the knob. If you have trouble turning it easily, it means that the oil that lubricates it has already hardened, making turning it difficult. 

Also, be wary of loose parts and any visible dents or cracks. 

Stage drift

Stage drift means that the stage doesn’t stay in position at all. It makes focusing difficult for the users. 

Faded coatings

Lens coatings are essential because they help improve the microscope’s image quality by enhancing the contrast and eliminating light reflection. But due to the use of wrong cleaners, these coatings may fade and can affect the quality of your viewing. 

Considerations in Buying a Secondhand Microscope

Even though buying a secondhand microscope can be risky, nobody is stopping you from making your purchase, especially if it is the only choice you have. If you still insist on buying a secondhand microscope, you should refer to the following guide for a successful purchase and limit the possible issues that might arise as you use it.

Some objectives may appear flawless on the outside, but the issues might be lurking on the inside. Inspect the objectives carefully, even if you need to unscrew them. You might discover a crack that could affect the image quality of your microscopy. 

The objectives attached on the microscope also need checking to make sure they are the ones you need for your application. After all, you don’t want to end up buying a secondhand microscope that you cannot use. 

  • Check the unreachable areas of the microscope
  • Fungi commonly grow in unreachable areas of the microscope.
  • Ask a professional to remedy some slight defects It includes cleaning, re-oiling the knobs, and tightening the gears. 

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