Histology Prepared Glass Microscope Slides Set of 30

by Optico
  • 30 Prepared Microscope Slides of Histology Specimens
  • Samples preserved in cedar wood oil and sealed with a coverslip, Labelling provides specimen identification
  • Optical glass slide dimensions: 3"x1"x0.04" (25.4x76.2mmx1.0mm)
  • Set comes in wooden fitted storage box to prevent breakage and ease handling
  • Manufactured under ISO 9001 quality control standard

List of Specimens:

1. Simple Flat Epithelium, W. M.
2. Stratified Flat Epithelium, Sec.
3. Loose Connective Tissue, W. M.
4. Cartilage, Sec
5. Hard Bone, Grinding Sec.
6. Human Blood, Smear
7. Smooth Muscle, Teased Preparation, w.m.
8. Skeletal Muscle, L. S.,& C. S.
9.Spinal cord, Rabbit, c.s.
10. Motor Nerve Endings, Rabbit, w.m.
11. Wall of Stomach
12. Small Intestine, C. S.
13. Large Intestine s.c.
14. Pancreas sec
15. Gall Bladder, Sec.
16. Lung, Sec.
17. Artery & Vein, C. S.
18. Kidney, L. S.
19. Kidney with Blood Vessel Injected sec
20. Ovary, Rabbit Sec.
21. Fallopian Tube, c.s.
22. Lymph Node, Sec.
23. Human Skin, Section through Hair Follicle
24. Pig Liver, Sec.
25. Trachea, C. S.
26.Testis, Sec.
27. Human Chromosomes
28. Dense Bone, Sec.
29. Squamous Epithelium Smear Form Human Mouth
30. Ciliated Epithelium, Sec.

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All products purchased from www.microscopes.com.au will be despatched either same day or next day of your order being received. Delivery within Australia can be expected within 7 working days.